Jim Olejnik

"The orang Utan coffee project is a great example of working with people and developing skills and knowledge to create better coffee."

Cuéntanos algo sobre ti.

My name is Jim. I live and work in Leeds, Northern England. I work as a Barista, Barista trainer and chef at Laynes Espresso. In the 5 years that have passed we have found our place amongst a growing city as more and more people have found us. We wanted to give the coffee drinking population of Leeds a venue that paid absolute attention to the quality of just two ingredients, coffee and (possibly) milk, and an informative and welcoming environment to enjoy it in.

¿Qué hobbies tienes?

I like going to gigs. Always trying to start a band but its gets harder the older and busier you get! I spend too much money eating and drinking with friends but its what makes me happy.

¿Un día sin café…?

One day is OK. I’ll drink a few cups of Yorkshire tea.

¿Eres bueno en…?

Connecting with people, conveying my passion, teaching classes on coffee, latte art and anything concerning this fantastic world.

¿Cuál es tu lugar de café favorito?

I don’t really have a favourite coffee spot. There are a bunch of shops I enjoy going to where I know I’ll get a tasty coffee, good food and a welcoming experience. They make my experience memorable and inspiring.